2023 And Me!

Happy New Year! I decided a bad pun would be a great title for this post because I want you to know what you’re getting into with me and my “humor”. Hopefully it brings you some small silly joy like it does me.

Speaking of small silly joys… that’s my focus for 2023, and I’m talking about more than Hallmark movies, but those totally qualify. I’m talking about those small things that may seem insignificant, but they end up bringing you little jolts of joy every day.

Here are some jolts of joy examples from my own life…

  1. A pretty comforter.
    • For the first decade of our marriage we had a very basic, boring, no-frills, navy comforter. It got the job done, and what more do you need? One day I came across one that I loved and it was on clearance so I impulse bought it and loved it even more in person. After that, every morning when I woke up, every night when I went to bed, and anytime I walked through the bedroom during the day, I got a jolt of joy from how pretty it was and how much I loved it. This shocked me because I had no idea something like a comforter could have such an impact on my mood.
  2. A cute kitchen accessory.
    • A few months ago, I randomly walked through the Target Bullseye Playground and saw a coffee pod holder that I thought was adorable. It was only $5 so I impulse bought it, and then I quickly got out of that section! Now, every single morning when I go to make my coffee I internally squeal over how cute it is, and it just starts my morning off with a jolt of joy. Plus a jolt of coffee, and that fist sip is always 1,000% joy.
  3. Painted nails.
    • Years ago, some coworker friends and I would get manicures almost every month. I loved it, and having my nails done made me feel put together, even if I was just at home in sweats (like I am right now). After leaving that job I slowly got out of the habit and it just felt needless – like who really cares if my nails are painted, it’s not going to solve world peace! I was also struggling with depression at the time and was feeling apathetic about everything. This year I was reminded how happy manicures made me and I decided to start getting my nails done again, with one change – I’m doing them myself! It does exactly what I wanted it to, which is give me a jolt of joy every time I happen to notice my nails, especially right now when they’re sporting a Christmas red. (Side note: Painted nails alone can’t fix depression! I got on meds a few years ago which has helped so much. They’re not for everyone, but there’s also no shame in them. Do what you need to for your mental health, friends. 💜)
  4. The much-hyped travel tumbler.
    • I let myself be influenced into the cult that is the 40oz Stanley Adventure Quencher. A friend gifted me one for my birthday this summer, I quickly discovered they are in fact amazing, and I bought myself another one immediately. Is it ultimately just a very heavy water bottle? Sure. But it holds 40oz, has a straw, fits in my car cup holder, and is aesthetically pleasing. Every time I reach for it I get a jolt of joy, which means I reach for it more often, which means I stay more hydrated. Whatever it takes, right?

I realize all of these examples involve items I have purchased, and that’s not the point, although it ended up being part of the point for me. I tend to not spend money on things just because they’re cute or pretty, especially if we already have something that does the same job just fine, you know? However, sometimes it’s worth the impulse buy or splurge on something you don’t *need*, especially if it’s going to add a jolts of joy to your life every single day.

Don’t spend money you don’t have though, because that credit card bill is the opposite of joy! Find the things you already own that give you that jolt, and move them to a better place where you can see them every day. Put that favorite book that changed your life on the coffee table. Get that cute photo out of the album and onto the fridge. Take that adorable mug to work, especially if you hate your job. Change your morning phone alarm to a song that makes you happy (it’s Uptown Girl for me). Jolts don’t have to be big or expensive, the point is that it’s the little things, or things we think are little but end up making a bigger difference than expected.

I feel like the more joy we can add, even in small silly ways, the more those moments can combine to add a layer of wonder and appreciation in our lives. You could even start a journal to remember the jolts of joy from your day. I guess that’s similar to a gratitude journal, but still a different way of looking at it.

And no, I’m not just saying “choose joy”, I personally think that’s flippant bullsh*t. I’m saying, let’s do the harder work of remembering joy exists, start actively looking for it, and finding ways to create it.

It’s easy to think this world is falling apart and there’s no joy left, but seeing the small things around us is a good place to start. If we can see the small joys, we’re more likely to see the big joys. Even better, we can BE the joy for someone else. Like a joy chain reaction… see it, feel it, be it.

OMG, this is as cheesy as the Hallmark movies we love!

Am I making sense though? Is this resonating at all, or do I sound like a weirdo?

I’d love to hear about the things that bring you daily jolts of joy, or the things you’ll be doing to find those jolts this year. Feel free to comment below, and if you post your jolts of joy on Instagram please tag me so I can see – @ihavethisthingwithhallmark – and let’s use #ihttwjoltsofjoy so others can be inspired too.

Wishing you a joy-filled year, friends!
